President John F. Kennedy: Junk Food Junkie

by Bob McCauley, CMC, MH

Kennedy’s Bloated Face Due to Steroid Use

Even if he hadn’t been assassinated in 1963, President John Kennedy would not have lived to be an old man if he would have continued with the diet he had apparently been raised on, and which continued into adulthood.

I watched a documentary on The History Channel on the Kennedy family that highlighted their home movies.  I always knew that President Kennedy had health challenges throughout his life, but my understanding was that it was due to injuries.  Watching the documentary I learned that Jack had colitis, hypothyroidism, diathesis, and other serious digestive problems that plagued him his entire his life.  The seriousness of these problems was kept from the public.   JFK’s mother remembered him as “a very, very sick little boy”.  He was placed on a strict diet of rice and potatoes at one point for his Colitis.  He suffered at least one episode of jaundice as a youth, which was quite serious at the time.   He had chronic back problems, due to osteoporosis which resulted in several operations and required medications for chronic pain.  He severely injured his back before entering WWII while playing football.  JFK was prone to uncounted injuries because his frail body could not handle them, nor repair itself from them.

All this revolved around a poor diet.  He liked lamb chops, steak, baked chicken and turkey (white meat) and mashed potatoes. He also was fond of seafood and baked beans. According to chefs who worked in the White House, President Kennedy loved corn muffins and rich French food.  All that doesn’t sound so bad, but the original source of all diseases are digestive issues and all digestive issues are a result of the wrong diet.  Whatever JFK was eating, it wasn’t remotely healthy.  Ask Paul Nison who had the same kinds of digestive issues, Crone’s Disease and Colitis.  Paul told me that before he found veganism and eventually the raw food diet he was living on the worse diet of anyone he knew.  Pure junk is what Paul lived on.  Now Paul is in terrific health, having lived on the raw food diet for 15 years.  I grew up eating a lot of junk, then found “health foods” when I was 18, became vegetarian at 22, and finally become a raw food vegan at 41.  At 41 was when I started reversing the aging processes and really began to enjoy true health.  At 54, I’m still improving and always will be.  Health is a journey, not a destination.

Here is a list of the drugs JFK was on during his presidency, many of which were capable of clouding his judgment and mental faculties:

cortisone [injected] Cortisol has profound psychological effects. At one extreme, “steroid psychosis” can result. At the other, a profound sensation of well-being can occur. In between, the effects are more difficult to characterize.
cortisone [oral]
lomotil For diarrhea. Contains anti-cholinergic compounds, which, in toxic doses, can make someone constantly angry and/or looney.
paregoric For diarrhea. Contains opium. Mentation is probably unaffected if used in reasonable doses, but Kenndey was taking at least 3 medications for diarrhea, suggesting that doses were high.
phenobarbital A classic “downer”
testosterone Kennedy’s “bull-like” libido was a side effect of the huge amount of testosterone he took daily.  His cholesterol level was reportedly 410.
trasentine An anti-diarrhea medication. There is very little published about this drug. Side effects include giddiness and euphoria.
Tuinal A mixture of secobarbital and amobarbital Kennedy used to help him sleep. Amobarbital is better known as Amytal, one of the more common “truth serum” drugs.
amphetamines Post and Robins, writing in 1993, thought it was “highly suggestive” that Kennedy took amphetamines while President, but considered it unproven . The recent Atlantic article states definitively that Kennedy received injections of amphetamines and painkillers from “Dr. Feelgood,” a.k.a. Max Jacobson. Kennedy dismissed concerns about the injections, saying, “I don’t care if it’s horse piss. It works.” Jacobson’s medical license was revoked in 1975. Previously, in 1969, all controlled substances in his possession were confiscated by the Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs.

The photo above is the classic JFK, the one the world knows better than any other.  But it is a distortion of what JFK really looked like.  The face you see in that photo is a that of a man who has used steroids for auto-immune polyendocrine syndrome type II (APS II), as well as Coloitis and Celiac Disease.  This was most likely responsible for his year round tan and bloated face.  He took testosterone every day of his presidency, which led to further imbalances in his body and changed his appearance significantly.

We rarely see the gaunt look that was natural to John F. Kennedy.  The photo on the left is what Kennedy looked like before he went on steroids.  He was markedly thinner, almost gaunt, mainly because his body was not getting enough nutrients and the nutrients he was getting throughout his life were substandard.

What is so ironic about all this is that the Kennedy family was extremely wealthy that certainly had access to the finest food available, but chose not to utilize them I’m sure out of ignorance.  The rich may be immune to many things but sickness and disease is not one of them.  When the richest, most powerful men and women on earth get sick with cancer or other deadly diseases they succumb to those ills no differently than the poorest who live on the streets.  They only spend their last days and die in more comfortable surroundings.

It can be said that the Raw Food Diet (fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds) is the best diet available for any man, any woman, any age, any net worth.  Period.


Dr. Bob’s Blog is not intended as medical advice. The writings and statements on this website have not reviewed and/or approved by the FDA. Our products are not meant to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Rather they are meant to demonstrate that aging can be slowed and even reversed and that Great Health achieved when the most fundamental nutritional needs of the human body are met. Always consult a medical doctor or other medical professional when you consider it necessary.
Dr. Bob’s Blog is covered under (47 U.S.C. § 230): “No provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be treated as the publisher or speaker of any information provided by another information content provider”.

About Bob McCauley

Bob McCauley, ND (Robert F., Jr.) was raised in Lansing, Michigan and attended Michigan State University (BA, 1980 in Journalism). He is a naturopathic doctor, Master Herbalist and a Certified Nutritional Consultant. He has traveled extensively, both domestically and abroad, visiting over 32 countries. He published Confessions of a Body Builder: Rejuvenating the Body with Spirulina, Chlorella, Raw Foods and Ionized Water (2000), Achieving Great Health (2005), The Miraculous Properties of Ionized Water, (2006) which is the only book on the market that exclusively addresses Ionized Water, Twelve (Fiction, 2007) and Honoring the Temple of God (2008). He considers himself a Naturalist, meaning he pursues health in the most natural way possible. He studies and promotes nature as the only way to true health. From 2002-2004 he hosted the radio program Achieving Great Health, which was heard by thousands of people each day. His guests included some of the most well-known and respected names in the natural health world. With the help of his father, Dr. Robert F. McCauley, Sr. (Doctorate in Environmental Engineering, MIT, 1953) they started Spartan Water Company in 1992, which sold vended water machines in supermarkets. Robert Jr. founded Spartan Enterprises, Inc. in 1993. He is a Certified Water Technician with the State of Michigan. He is also a Type II Public Water Supply Specialist and has the certifications of S-5 and D-5. The McCauley family has a long history in the water industry. Bob's father pioneered environmental issues regarding ground water and drinking water quality. He received his Ph.D. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in 1953 for his thesis on removing radioactive strontium from water. He earned his doctorate in Environmental Engineering in less than 2 years, one of the shortest doctoral studies in the history of MIT. He taught civil, sanitary and environmental engineering at Michigan State University for 18 years before retiring to run Wolverine Engineers & Surveyors of Mason, Michigan, for 17 years. His reputation throughout Michigan as a water quality expert was legendary. Bob worked for his father's company for 12 years learning the water business, which dealt primarily with municipalities, including water quality and sanitary sewer issues. After apprenticing with his father, Bob moved on to the bottled water business. He established greater Michigan's biggest selling bottled water: Michigan Mineral – Premium Natural Water. He was introduced to Ionized Water in 1995 and has done more to promote Ionized Water than anyone else in the industry. Bob often lectures and offers seminars on his Seven Component Natural Health Protocol . Bob is a Certified Nutritional Consultant and a Certified Master Herbalist. He is also a 3rd Degree Black Belt and Certified Instructor of Songahm Taekwondo (American Taekwondo Association).
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6 Responses to President John F. Kennedy: Junk Food Junkie

  1. jayne says:

    I dare say, being a qualified nurse, that certain medications would have had a physical effect on the late great President Kennedy, particularly the steroids of course. However, the photo you have used to mark the comparrisson is inaccurate. The top picture shows a mature President whilst the bottom snap shows a photo of JFK as a much younger man during world war II. Be honest, don’t most of us look different after 20 years? Yours truly – A JFK fanatic from the UK

  2. Bob says:

    “It can be said that the Raw Food Diet (fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds) is the best diet available for any man, any woman, any age, any net worth. Period.” Pretty bold claim considering wiki:
    “The study concluded that since many raw food dieters were underweight and exhibited amenorrhoea “a very strict raw food diet cannot be recommended on a long-term basis”.”
    Not saying you’re wrong, just saying you should be a bit more careful when doling out medical advice.

  3. Teri Shaffer says:

    I have never seen a healthy looking vegan or vegetarian and I find they have an odd smell. Just can’t go wrong with eating all the whole foods that God gave us to eat – no man-made crap. A nice salad with olive oil, lemon, garlic and herbs for dressing, a green vegetable, a sweet potato, a piece of fish, and some fruit and nuts for dessert, plus distilled at home water. No soy or corn products, (surplus) no nasty oils, (especially canola) no sugar or salt, just good whole foods. Will ocasionally have plain yogurt, no fat cottage cheese, imported real cheeses, organic popcorn, herbal organic teas.

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