By Bob McCauley, ND
Rush Limbaugh to Cancer Survivor: “Medicine Gave You Your Life” Wrong. God gave you your life, at the moment of inception and every moment thereafter. But I understand what Rush was trying to say here. Rush was responding to the fact that the government was making it more difficult for people to get the drug. Regardless of that, Rush’s declaration about the drug is wrong on several levels. What Rush was suggesting is that medicine saves lives, even the lives of cancer victims. That is flat wrong. Only the body is capable of healing Itself of any disease. No raw or cooked food, or medicine of any kind, is capable of healing the body of any disease. Rather it is what the body does with those nutrients that determines whether it heals itself or not. This is what my seven component health protocol is all about. We get our health from living on a diet of raw fruits and vegetables. And without our health we cannot live. And without quality health we cannot live to our potential.
We continue to search for health in medical science, medications and artificial
therapies such as chemotherapy. We wonder why cancer statistics keep going up along with a plethora of other diseases. We Trust in Medical science. We believe in it. We go as far as to invest our faith in it. To so many people and it is their religion because it is what they believe in. We give enormous amounts of time and money to organizations that are searching for cures for every disease that exists because someone somewhere knew someone who was touched by disease and perhaps died from it.
I personally have faith only in God and all He created. I believe in nothing, absolutely nothing, else. As I’ve often said that God created an apple, but we created the frying pan to make it ” better”, more tasty. However, by cooking a food you rob it of all its alkalinity and rejuvenative properties. Only a raw food can provide the body with nutrients it requires to heal itself of any disease. Therefore living on a diet that is mostly comprised of raw fruits and vegetables is essential if we expect to remain healthy, let alone heal the body of any and all disease.
People who raise money for disease causes such as cancer, do so because they believe in the science that is going to find a cure for the disease. Their hearts are in the right place, but the hard truth is that they are wasting their time and money. Health begins and ends with their diet. Whether or not we can control our appetites for what does not belong in the body determines whether we are healthy or not, not how much money and/or awareness we raise. It gives them the ability to wear a ribbon and feel good about themselves because they care and want to help others who have the disease.
These diseases are often marched upon as though some sort of civil rights issue were involved. From the chanting sometimes it seems as though the simple act of legislation could be the final piece of the puzzle that would lead to a cure. But no man-invented cure for any disease has ever been found for any disease ever will be found. This is because only the body is capable of healing itself of any disease.
Medicine cannot save anyone’s life. What saves our health is living on the foods that God provides. They’re all around us. But we will only see them if we are looking for them. The first step in the journey toward health is learning to love raw fruits and vegetables as I have. I started slowly eating more and more raw foods and, over the years, have come to love them so deeply that they have become the very essence of who I am and what my level of health is.
You are so right Bob, thanks for the Blog.
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