By Dr. Bob McCauley
There is nothing more important for the body than water. If people simply drank enough water and kept their bodies sufficiently hydrated, 60% to 80% of the chronic disease we find today would be seriously abated if not completely eliminated. Putting poor quality unfiltered water into the body can be worse than not drinking water at all. Chlorine and other contaminants are common in many waters through the country and these should not be consumed. However, with proper filtration, most water becomes suitable for drinking. Here is an overview of our filters.
It is imperative that chlorine be removed from water before it is consumed. Chlorine dries the skin and scalp causing them to flake. It is also a known carcinogen and has been linked to the increased risk of stillbirth and birth defects. It also disrupts digestion by killing the probiotics (friendly bacteria) in the body. Aside from many of the problems inherent in municipal water, proper carbon, sediment and fluoride filtration can bring most of it up to acceptable drinking standards.
Particulate/Sediment PP Filter
Iron Resin Filter (Non drinking water)
In-line Carbon Filter (Quick connect)
Particulate Filter: Removes sediment and particles from water down to 1 or 5 micron depending on the filter.
Chlorine Filter: Chlorine is used in municipal water supplies to disinfect the water.
Virtually all water ionizers come with a built-in carbon filter that will remove chlorine from the water.
BIRM Filter: BIRM® is an efficient and economical media for the reduction of dissolved iron and manganese compounds from raw water supplies. BIRM® acts as an insoluble catalyst to enhance the reaction between dissolved oxygen (D.O.) and the iron compounds. In ground waters the dissolved iron is usually in the ferrous bicarbonate state due to the excess of free carbon dioxide and is not filterable. BIRM®, acting as a catalyst between the oxygen and the soluble iron compounds, enhances the oxidation reaction of Fe++ to Fe+++ and produces ferric hydroxide which precipitates and may be easily filtered.
Iron Filtration: There are two options for iron filtration. The best is KDF85 because it does not affect the taste of the water it filters. The other is an iron resin filter, which is more effective although the water will have a metallic taste after it is filtered. An iron resin filter should only be used if the iron levels in the water exceed 10 ppm (parts per million).
Sulfur Filtration: Having sulfur (hydrogen sulfide) in your source water will give the water a rotten egg smell. KDF85 media is the most effective filter for sulfur removal. Carbon also removes sulfur, but not as effectively as KDF85.
Fluoride Filtration: Alum (natural aluminum) is the only material that will effectively remove fluoride from a water source. However, the use of alum can sometimes leave a taste in the water.
Fluoride is injected into municipal water on the premise that without it, children’s teeth will not develop properly. The fluoride used in municipal water is sodium fluoride, which is derived from the processing of fertilizer. Fluoride can be filtered effectively with an alum filter, which uses a natural form of aluminum.[i] Fluoride is also present in many processed foods such as soft drinks (1 ppm), milk (.3 – 9 ppm), breakfast cereal (5 – 15 ppm), and juice (.3 – 6.8 ppm). Municipal water contains an average of .6 – .9 ppm fluoride. High levels of fluoride can lead to dental fluorosis or pitting of the teeth. It also adversely affects the central nervous system. Below are quotes on the practice of adding fluoride to drinking water by researchers, scientists and others in the medical community.
“I am appalled at the prospect of using water as a vehicle for drugs. Fluoride is a corrosive poison that will produce serious effects on a long-range basis. Any attempt to use water this way is deplorable.” Dr. Charles Gordon Heyd, Past President of the American Medical Association.
“Based on data from the National Academy of Sciences, current levels of fluoride exposure in drinking water may cause arthritis in a substantial portion of the population long before they reach old age.” Dr. Robert Carton, former EPA Scientist.
[i] Alum is naturally occurring and not toxic because of its large molecular size that cannot be absorbed through skin pores. It should not be confused with the synthetic forms such as aluminum chlorhydrate or aluminum zicarnium that are readily absorbed through the skin. They are commonly found in carbonated soft drink cans, beer cans, baking-soda, pickles, aluminum foil, liquid antacids and antiperspirants.
Reverse Osmosis filters use a membrane which removes many contaminants from water. They are usually paired with a Granulated Activated Charcoal filter to remove chlorine. Most reverse osmosis filters are installed under the sink and have a holding tank. But RO is NOT Filtration. Rather it is purification since it removes everything from the water including the minerals.
“The longer one drinks purified water, the more likely the development of mineral deficiencies and an acid state. Disease and early death is more likely to be seen with the long term drinking of purified water.” Your Body’s many Cries for Water, F. Batmanghelidj, M.D. p. 18.
Well Water
Water Ionizers can be used with most well water. The two most common problems found in well water are hydrogen sulfide and high iron content. Both of these can be filtered out. Hydrogen sulfide can be filtered with a granulated carbon filter. Iron can be filtered with a resin filter at point of use. If your well is deep, over 150′, that is usually enough natural filtration not to be concerned about the water being contaminated. If your septic system is within 50′ of the well, you should have a bacteria test done.
Hydrogen Sulfide
If your water smells like rotten eggs (sulfur), you have hydrogen sulfide in your water. As it off-gases the bad sulfur smell, people are led to believe the water is undrinkable. Hydrogen sulfide can be filtered out using a granulated carbon filter. You can also use a granulated KDF pre-filter installed either under the sink or on the countertop.
Iron Content in Water
High iron content in water can cause problems for a Water Ionizer. If you wish to use a Water Ionizer with water known to have a high iron content, we recommend using an iron resin pre-filter. They can be used on the countertop or installed directly into the line below the sink. They are installed on the cold water line since only cold or tepid water should be used with a Water Ionizer.
High iron content in wells, and sometimes municipal water supplies, are more often caused by the well casing and already corroded pipes in the house. Less often it is the actual high level of iron in the existing ground water, although it can be quite high in select places around the country. Iron can be filtered to a great degree through a KDF pre-filter. There are whole-house iron filters that are costly, but effective.