Tag Archives: healthy warrior

The Warrior Within

The raw life is often ridiculed by many as being for the weak when in reality it takes a great inner strength, determination, discipline and devotion to live the raw life. It is a warrior’s life and one must have the heart of a warrior to want to pursue it. I am a Health Warrior and I am forever on the warpath against disease and physical decline or weakness of any kind. The wimps are those who get up from their couches to stuff their mouths and bellies with the only foods they know: meat, potatoes, vegetables, all of them fried, baked, steamed or otherwise processed. Each bite of their poison ushers them closer to their early grave. They live such comfortable, yet numb lives. I am the conqueror, they are the conquered. I have defeated my weaknesses, they have defeated themselves. They forever weaken themselves and are exposed for who they are by the many diseases they contract. Continue reading

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