By Bob McCauley, ND
Much has been said about how the cell wall of Chlorella pyrenoidosa is cracked or opened. Chlorella is a green algae whose outer cell wall is composed of thick layers of dietary fiber that is excellent for digestion and binds with heavy metals and other synthetic toxins and removes them from the body.
“Chlorella’s cell wall is comprised of 3 layers. The middle layer contains the thickest cellulose microfibrils. The outer layer is extremely resistant to tearing or breakage. The characteristics of this fiber are unique to Chlorella and why it is so important that we consistently have Chlorella in our diet because it is not found in any other food source. Even dead Chlorella has the ability to soak up toxins after it has bonded with them. ”
From Achieving Great Health by Bob McCauley
This fiber that surrounds the cells must be cracked or broken so that the nutrients inside can be completely absorbed by the body. If the Chlorella cell is not opened, then only a small amount of nutrients would be available to the body. All Chlorella that is imported into the United States must be cracked or open cell according to FDA regulations.
The Antiquated Method
The Dyno®-Mill technique that is used to open Chlorella’s cell wall was first developed in Japan in the mid-1970’s. This technology was originally developed for use in the food industry and has subsequently been used in other food industries including Chlorella production. The use of Dyno®-Mill techniques in Chlorella production was indeed breakthrough technology for its time since no other technology had been developed that effectively broke open Chlorella’s thick cell wall.
The Dyno®-Mill process uses thousands of very small glass beads (2 mm in diameter) such as those pictured here that are placed in a drum with the Chlorella and spun together for several minutes. It is an effective way to open the Chlorella cell wall. This milling process, which can be compared to milling wheat into flour, pulverizes the Chlorella cell rather than just gently cracking it open. The Dyno®-Mill process also destroys the cell’s membrane, chloroplast, mitochondria and nucleus.
A Superior Method of Opening Chlorella Cell Wall
Far more effective methods of opening Chlorella’s cell wall have been developed since the 1970’s. The state-of-the-art Pressure-Release® method used by our manufacturer is an entirely new approach to opening Chlorella’s cell wall. As the Chlorella cells pass through the specially designed Pressure-Release® chamber they rupture, or crack open, due to the sudden and extreme changes in pressure. There are several advantages to the Pressure-Release® technique over that of the Dyno®-Mill process. Most importantly, nothing comes in contact with the Chlorella cells, therefore the process is 100% natural and organic. The nutrients of the Chlorella cells are now available to be digested by the body. And since they have not been pulverized, but rather only pulverized as can be seen in Examples 1 and 2, their unique nutrients remain in tact. Thirdly, oxidation and nutrient degradation are significantly reduced when using both methods. You can see a significant difference between a Pressure-Release® processed Chlorella cell and one that has not be processed, or cracked open, in the photo to the right. And the digestibility of the Chlorella is just as high using the Pressure-Release® technique as it is using the Dyno®-Mill process.
Processing Chlorella using Pressure-Release® technology extends the shelf-life and nutritional integrity of Chlorella. Both methods of opening the Chlorella cell wall are effective.
More can be learned about the extraordinary health benefits of the Chlorella and its incredible dietary fiber on our Chlorella Information Page as well as Achieving Great Health by Bob McCauley
We are working on a spirulina/chlorella formula. We need names of the best chlorella bulk suppliers in the US. Powder, not tablets as we intend to mix other powders (stabilized aloe, fulvic minerals, green tea phytosome) with it.
I hear such terms as: German High Frequency, Sun Cracked, Dyno, Pressure and Heat cracked and Low-pressure flash expansion. Which is best?
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Hello Bob,
Please provide me with your telephone number so we can talk.
TekManna will begin construction of the only Chlorella farm in the USA soon.
We will begin production during the fourth quarter of this year. Our product is sunlight grown (completely enclosed) and absolutely pure and processed in a cGMO and FDA approved facility.
Everyone we talk with is very excited about our farm. I would like to discuss it with you.
My cell phone is 832-563-5201