By Dr. Bob McCauley
One (enthusiastic) blogee wrote me in response to my Blog on Paula Deen Expletives deleted (learned that from the Watergate transcripts):
I love the irony. Not only are you a self-righteous a***h*** that
must have life by the balls attacking & belittling someone who makes a real living, that stresses discipline and can’t be held accountable for others’ health issues (because a person is ultimately responsible for his/her own diet– why you try to portray Paula as a drug pusher is beyond me. I find it f*****g pathetic & despicable but that’s a matter of opinion) but you say she’s no expert on health meanwhile you’re a journalist! You all of a sudden become a dietician in this post, that amazes me.
I am a Certified Nutritional Consultant, Certified Master Herbalist, and a Naturopathic Doctor. I’m not a dietician, who I consider to be the food Nazis of the medical establishment. I didn’t attack Paul Deen, the person, but Paula Deen the woman who makes great tasting poison, gets diabetes, gets a “gig” with a drug company that has a drug for . . what else . . diabetes. A drug pusher is one who gets you addicted to their drug then sells you the cure – which just happens to be the drug. Got it?
Also, “She is flat out wrong about every one of those items except diet. Genetics, stress, age and lifestyle (whatever she means by that) do NOT cause disease” <<<< WHAT (lol) your claim would mean that there is no such thing as inheriting diseases, 5 minutes in an intro Bio class can teach you how wrong you are. I can prove that lifestyle can cause a disease… have you ever cracked your knuckles, I’m sure you have. Continue cracking your knuckles on a daily basis & let me be surprised whether or not you get arthritis or become diagnosed with a joint-related disease. There’s also different forms of stress, some healthy others not. Then you go on a few sentences later & write “A person such as those of us who live on a raw food diet do not have to worry about stress taking its toll since there are so many healthy things we can do to counteract its negative effects on the body.”
Yes, I stand by my words: “A person such as those of us who live on a raw food diet do not have to worry about stress taking its toll since there are so many healthy things we can do to counteract its negative effects on the body.” You still don’t get it. Then you’re never going to get it — blogee.
^^Define “so many healthy things” if your thought prior was *diet alone* is the determining factor in health. You can’t, because either way you concede that you’re wrong about diet being solely responsible for health OR I just called you on your s*** & you LIED in the preceding statement.
My 7 Component Health Protocol “defines” it perfectly, thank you very much. So does my my book, Achieving Great Health – the 7 Components of Great Health. I am not in the habit of lying about health, but rather teaching others how to actually BE healthy. See the diff?
Just to make it crystal clear that you have little knowledge on what you’re saying I’m gonna mention some common-sense stuff. For instance, (I’m actually gonna back up my statements unlike yourself) if a person is stressed negatively then their heart rate increases, their blood pressure may increase as a response… Heart attacks or an infarction (rupture, in other words) are very possible from the cardiac muscle exhausting itself. Granted, chances are dramatically different in comparison to a person with low cholesterol & a person with poor diet but that’s not to say that’s there’s absolutely no possibility. So do enlighten me, where do you get your info?
What I know about health mostly comes from my experience and not my many years of study and talking to other health gurus. Ultimately, I am my own credentials.
Don’t worry about my heart. It’s strong because I consume the most important mineral we need for our health: Magnesium.
How about “good” cholesterol? Where do you get your cholesterol if all your foods are raw & fat-free? The human cells along with organs like the liver need fat in order to help metabolize energy, & most of that energy is some form of sugar. Ya eat sugar beets routinely or something?
I get ALL my fat from the plant world, same as every wild animal does, including fish, who people like to extract oil from. I recently blogged about how fish oil is not good for you it’s better to get from where the fish get their fat, which is primarily algae.
Do tell me, what foods are gonna prevent you from developing prostate cancer? Cuz ultimately, if you look @ the numbers, if you don’t die because of heart disease, stroke, diabetes or lung cancer given that I’m sure you don’t smoke then you’re more than likely going to succumb to prostate cancer, a leading killer in it’s own right for men of all ages & the likelihood of developing this disease increases as you become older (so you’re wrong yet again with your “age doesn’t matter” statement).
Lastly, vegans aren’t nearly as healthy as you’d imagine (link on how gluten free diet encourage arthritis [that interprets into a possibility of you contracting a disease so I debunked your “I’m not gonna die any time soon” idea]
Vegans are healthier than ANYONE when they do it right. Alkaline Ionized Water and Chlorella, Spirulina as the foundational keys to great health. Look again at my 7 Components of Great Health. You’ll see that I cover it all. People would be healthy if they would listen to me.
I could go on but I found enough faults in your own writing & provided legitimate info that you can find valid references to. I’m not gonna go out of my way to discredit this ridiculous post anymore than I already have. I appreciate your ignorance cuz it’s really been a pleasure.
post script- Choke on that…
It was delightful speaking with you as well. Cough, cough . . . .
Dr. Bob 🙂