Tag Archives: christian health

Book: Empower Yourself By Being Truly Healthy

We should strive to have a meaningful relationship with God, which will be greatly enhanced when we honor the temple He has given us, that which we call our body. We do this by consuming Ionized Water, Spirulina and Chlorella, living foods, probiotics, minerals, by exercising and having a meaningful spiritual life and a close relationship with God. To accomplish this, we must learn to embrace the sacred principals of wisdom, knowledge, healing and faith if we expect to truly honor the temple God has given us. Continue reading

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New Book: Disease is the Result of Dishonoring Our Temple

Honoring the Temple of God by Bob McCauley explains how our health is our own personal responsibility from a Christian perspective. By following his health protocol we find new ways to honor the temple that God has given us, which is our body. Continue reading

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The Reward for Practicing God’s Laws is Great Health

I am crying to you about your health from the desert the way others have cried from lonely places wanting others to hear God’s message. Continue reading

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The Body is the Most Complicated Machine Ever Designed

I have personally experienced a level of health I never knew existed before I began following this health protocol. Continue reading

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Honoring the Temple of God – Controlling our Appetite

When I wrote Honoring the Temple of God, like most people I had cravings for many things that are not necessarily the healthiest things for us, such as pizza and chocolate cookies. We must control our appetite for the foods and tastes we crave and have become accustomed to eating over many years. Continue reading

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Honoring the Temple of God – A Christian Health Perspective

I will be blogging about my book: Honoring the Temple of God – A Christian Health Perspective, (pub. date 06/06/2008) for the next several months in an effort to get feedback on the book. HTG is a seemingly radical approach … Continue reading

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