Tag Archives: Honoring the Temple of God

New Book: Disease is the Result of Dishonoring Our Temple

Honoring the Temple of God by Bob McCauley explains how our health is our own personal responsibility from a Christian perspective. By following his health protocol we find new ways to honor the temple that God has given us, which is our body. Continue reading

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The Reward for Practicing God’s Laws is Great Health

I am crying to you about your health from the desert the way others have cried from lonely places wanting others to hear God’s message. Continue reading

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The Body is the Most Complicated Machine Ever Designed

I have personally experienced a level of health I never knew existed before I began following this health protocol. Continue reading

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How We Destroy the Temple that God has Given Us

Aside from our appearance, what we inherit from our parents and grandparents are dietary habits. It is a lifestyle of cooked foods from which all chronic disease is derived. We are what we eat. Continue reading

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How We Destroy the Temple God Has Given Us

There are foods that honor God’s temple and foods that do not honor it. We would not throw trash inside the sanctuary where we worship, nor should we put things in our bodily temple that do not belong in it. We consume things that do not belong in the body because we like how they taste and we mistakenly believe that they are good for us. Continue reading

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The Result of the Wrong Diet is Disease

Disease is opportunistic and as it flourishes in the body, it creates a more acidic environment in order to spread further until it consumes the entire body. Continue reading

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The Toxic Temple

If you are sick with any disease you also know that you are toxic because disease lives on toxins. In the absence of toxins, disease cannot exist in the body. Continue reading

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Our Duty to the Temple God Gave Us

We must control our appetite for the foods and tastes we crave and have become accustomed to eating over many years. We must not do this for ourselves, but for God and the glorification of His temple, our body. Continue reading

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The Toxic Temple

The body, our temple, is only truly glorious when it is free of toxins. Toxins turn the body into a garbage hull. A temple free of toxins is a disease-free temple. Disease is a symptom of not honoring what God has given us. Continue reading

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Honoring the Temple of God – God is Reflected in Nature

“When we follow nature, we follow God. When we stray from nature through the wrong diet the result is poor health. If we are sick, it means that we have strayed from nature and we must get nature back into our lives if we wish to again be healthy.” Continue reading

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