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Tag Archives: chronic
Chlorella: The Single Most Studied Food in History
One of the most ridiculous comments I have ever heard Dr. Andrew Weil made is “They are good sources of chlorophyll, but there is little to no research supporting the claims made about the algae.”
Chlorella and Spirulina are the two most studied foods in history. The studies come from countries all over the world and they never stop coming. There are literally thousands of them. We have compiled a few of them here. Continue reading
Posted in General, Spirulina & Chlorella
Tagged bob, Bob McCauley, cancer, cell, cells, chlorella, chlorella studies, Chlorophyll, chronic, spirulina, spirulina studies, water, watershed
The Result of the Wrong Diet is Disease
Disease is opportunistic and as it flourishes in the body, it creates a more acidic environment in order to spread further until it consumes the entire body. Continue reading
Top 10 Reasons NOT to Consume Soft Drinks!
Soft Drinks can remove rust from a car bumper or other metal surfaces. Imagine what it’s doing to your digestive tract as well as the rest of your body. Continue reading
Posted in General
Tagged acid, bob, Bob McCauley, cancer, cell, chronic, disease, drinks, pop, soda, soda pop, soft drinks, water
The Role of Ions in Body Chemistry
Negative Ion Report: The CBS Nightly News, Feb 14, 1995 The harmful positive ion (kation) is a particle that loses an electron. The healthful negative ion (anion) gains an electron in the valency orbit; that is it increases the ability … Continue reading
Posted in Air Health
Tagged air, air ionizer, body, breathe, cell, cells, chemistry, chronic, disease, FIR, ions, negative ions, positive ions, water
Negative Ion Regeneration For Youthfulness and Longevity
By John Heinerman, Ph.D. Foreward by Lendon Smith, M.D. Section One: Vitamins of the Air Approximately half-a-century ago, a certain woman living in a large, crowded city contracted tuberculosis. Doctors did what they could for her without any avail. They … Continue reading
Posted in Air Health
Tagged acid, air, chemistry, chronic, disease, FIR, health, longevity, negative ions, water, youthfullness
The human body does not make mistakes.
The human body does not make mistakes. If provided with the right materials, it operates perfectly and the medical establishment instantly becomes obsolete in the treatment of chronic disease. Essentially, we are the architects of our own body. We sculpt … Continue reading
Posted in General
Tagged 100% raw, achieving great health, chlorella, chronic, cooked foods, disease, healthy diet, heath, herbal remedies, natural health, raw food diet, raw foodist, raw foods
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Raw Foods and the Biggest Myth Ever
The biggest myth that has been perpetuated through the centuries and remains well established to this day is that a diet comprised mostly of cooked foods is healthy. As a species we have only eaten cooked foods for a very … Continue reading
Posted in Bob McCauley
Tagged acid, cancer, chronic, cola, cure, disease, doctor, FIR, myth, raw food, vegen, vegetarian, viruses
Fitness, Exercise & Motivation – The Path to Perfect Health
The live food movement is the new paradigm, the next order of how health and disease are beginning to be perceived. It is a total approach to health that stresses water, live nutrition, exercise and high energy motivation. The Arnold … Continue reading
Posted in Bob McCauley
Tagged acid, bodybuilding, cancer, chronic, cure, disease, drinks, exercise, FIR, fitness, health, motivation, soft drinks, viruses, water, water ionizer
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Raw Foods Rule
“Cooked foods are Poison” – Nature’s First Law We are designed to live 120-150 years, yet making it to 100 without the onset of senility is next to impossible. Your chances of contracting Alzheimer’s or some Dementia-related disease by age … Continue reading
Posted in Bob McCauley
Tagged acid, cancer, cell, cells, chronic, cooked food, dehydration, disease, drinks, FIR, raw food, toxins, viruses, water
What Ionized Water Has Done For Me
One of the most commonly asked questions I’ve received over the past eight years of selling Water Ionizers is what has Ionized Water done for me. I’ve been drinking Ionized Water since 1997 and the effects on my body have … Continue reading
Posted in Bob McCauley, Ionized Water
Tagged acid, Bob McCauley, cancer, cell, cells, chronic, disease, FIR, health, ionizer, Scientific Evidence, story, water, water ionizer