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Tag Archives: health
Air Ions and Health
by ALBERT P KRUGER AND DAVID S SOBEL In places where mountains are situated to the south, the south winds that blow are parching and unhealthy; where the mountains are situated in the north, their northern winds occasion disorders and … Continue reading
Posted in Air Health
Tagged acid, air, breathe, Cardiovascular, cell, cells, chemistry, Chlorophyll, disease, energy, FIR, health, negative ions, positive ions, water
Ions Can Do Strange Things to You
Reprinted from The Readers Digest Researchers believe that through control of the electrical charges in the air we breathe, our moods, energy and health can be markedly improved. Condensed from The Rotarian., byRobert O’Brien One sweltering day in Philadelphia this … Continue reading
Posted in Air Health
Tagged air, breatharian, breathe, cancer, cell, cells, disease, electrical charges, FIR, health, moods, water
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Negative Ion Regeneration For Youthfulness and Longevity
By John Heinerman, Ph.D. Foreward by Lendon Smith, M.D. Section One: Vitamins of the Air Approximately half-a-century ago, a certain woman living in a large, crowded city contracted tuberculosis. Doctors did what they could for her without any avail. They … Continue reading
Posted in Air Health
Tagged acid, air, chemistry, chronic, disease, FIR, health, longevity, negative ions, water, youthfullness
Avoid Deadly Trans Fats
Any oil that is partially hydrogenated should never be consumed because it contains trans fats . It is one of the deadliest substances found in processed foods and it operates stealthily, like a cat burglar who steals your most valued … Continue reading
Posted in Bob McCauley
Tagged acid, bacteria, bob, Bob McCauley, cancer, deadly, disease, FIR, health, trans fats
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Fitness, Exercise & Motivation – The Path to Perfect Health
The live food movement is the new paradigm, the next order of how health and disease are beginning to be perceived. It is a total approach to health that stresses water, live nutrition, exercise and high energy motivation. The Arnold … Continue reading
Posted in Bob McCauley
Tagged acid, bodybuilding, cancer, chronic, cure, disease, drinks, exercise, FIR, fitness, health, motivation, soft drinks, viruses, water, water ionizer
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Negative Ions and Their Recurrent Theme in Human Health
~ The Negative That’s a Positive ~ By Bob McCauley (Reprinted from Achieving Great Health – How Spirulina, Chlorella, Raw Foods and Ionized Water Can Make You Healthier than You Have Ever Imagined in 90 Days or Less ) “Life … Continue reading
Posted in Bob McCauley
Tagged acid, air, air ionizer, bacteria, bob, Bob McCauley, cancer, cell, cells, disease, FIR, health, human, ions, negative, negative ions, viruses, water
What Ionized Water Has Done For Me
One of the most commonly asked questions I’ve received over the past eight years of selling Water Ionizers is what has Ionized Water done for me. I’ve been drinking Ionized Water since 1997 and the effects on my body have … Continue reading
Posted in Bob McCauley, Ionized Water
Tagged acid, Bob McCauley, cancer, cell, cells, chronic, disease, FIR, health, ionizer, Scientific Evidence, story, water, water ionizer
My Response to Dr. Robert Young and his book: The pH Miracle
I recently read The pH Miracle. Balance Your Diet, Reclaim Your Health and found several points to disagree with in the book, which has recently become very popular. Dr. Young has done great work and I have a lot of respect for him and many of his concepts on health. However my areas of disagreement with him are profound because they refer to critical components of human health. We disagree on several other minor points such as the fact that he doesn’t encourage us to exercise, but others cannot go unchallenged because they are misguided in the most fundamental way. Continue reading
Posted in Bob McCauley, Opinions & Responses
Tagged acid, alkaline water, bob, Bob McCauley, cancer, cell, cells, chemistry, chronic, cooked food, cooks, diet, disease, dr. young, FIR, fish, health, ionized water, ph miracle, raw food, tuna, water, water ionizer
The Anti-Aging Properties of Chlorella
Chlorella, Jewel of the Far East “Dr Benjamin Frank, author of The No-Aging Diet, suggests that human RNA/DNA production slows down progressively as people age, resulting in lower levels of vitality and increased vulnerability to various diseases. He recommended a … Continue reading
Posted in Newsletter Archives, Spirulina & Chlorella
Tagged acid, anti-aging, cell, cells, chlorella, disease, health, nutraceutical, nutrition
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Chlorella’s Effect on the Immune System
Chlorella – Natural Medicinal Algae “Immunology is the study of the immune system; the body’s mechanisms developed to fight off foreign invaders, whether they be bacteria, viruses, chemicals or foreign proteins. The body’s defenses have a unique way of inactivating … Continue reading
Posted in Newsletter Archives, Spirulina & Chlorella
Tagged cancer, cell, cells, chlorella, Chlorophyll, disease, health, immune, nutrition
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