We Promote Natural Health with Ionized Water, Chlorella, Spirulina, Probiotics, Angstrom Minerals, Raw Foods. Dr. Bob's BLOG is not intended as medical advice. The writings and statements on this website have not reviewed and/or approved by the FDA. This BLOG contains Copyrighted and Trademarked materials. We do not own the templates, pics, video clips and/or the music used in this blog. All material is copyrighted to their rightful owners. This BLOG operates under 47 U.S.C. § 230, a Provision of the Communication Decency Act. **FAIR USE** Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 – Copyright Act 1976
Dr. Bob’s Blog is not intended as medical advice. The writings and statements on this website have not reviewed and/or approved by the FDA. Our products are not meant to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Rather they are meant to demonstrate that aging can be slowed and even reversed and that Great Health achieved when the most fundamental nutritional needs of the human body are met. Always consult a medical doctor or other medical professionals when you consider it necessary.
Dr. Bob’s BLOG is covered under the Communications Decency Act (47 U.S.C. §230),: “No provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be treated as the publisher or speaker of any information provided by another information content provider”. This BLOG contains Copyrighted and Trademarked materials owned by The Watershed Wellness Center. Regarding the templates, pics, video clips, music or other media used in this BLOG. All material is copyrighted to their rightful owners.
On his podcast, Joe Rogan, discusses fat, and natural health with the owners of the Black Rifle Company. Joe Rogan is one of the biggest podcasters on the internet he has a wide array of gas on his show.
But occasionally he speaks out about health and or he has somebody and who speaks out about health and more than often they don’t get it right. That’s when I make a video and a statement. They talk about processed oil not belong in the body. But processed foods of any kind don’t log in the body and Joe Rogan makes a point. My video explains it all.
Dr. Bob’s Blog is not intended as medical advice. The writings and statements on this website have not reviewed and/or approved by the FDA. Our products are not meant to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Rather they are meant to demonstrate that aging can be slowed and even reversed and that Great Health achieved when the most fundamental nutritional needs of the human body are met. Always consult a medical doctor or other medical professionals when you consider it necessary.
Dr. Bob’s BLOG is covered under the Communications Decency Act (47 U.S.C. §230),: “No provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be treated as the publisher or speaker of any information provided by another information content provider”. This BLOG contains Copyrighted and Trademarked materials owned by The Watershed Wellness Center. Regarding the templates, pics, video clips, music or other media used in this BLOG. All material is copyrighted to their rightful owners.
Email me at [email protected] and I will send you my Cancer protocol overview.
Part 7 of my cancer protocol is vigorous daily exercise. There is a huge connection between the brain and vigorous exercise. When you exercise every single day you’re thinking will be much more clear and your brain will function too much better capacity. I rarely go one day without exercising vigorously. You never want to exercise more than 30 minutes at the very most every day. Usually I only exercise around 25 minutes. You should be panting and wanting to stop. But you do not need to kill yourself and feel like the next breath will be your last. You need to get your heart rate up and keep it there for a sustained period of time, 20 to 25 minutes.
Email me and request my cancer protocol outline and I will be happy to send it to you: [email protected]
Dr. Bob’s Blog is not intended as medical advice. The writings and statements on this website have not reviewed and/or approved by the FDA. Our products are not meant to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Rather they are meant to demonstrate that aging can be slowed and even reversed and that Great Health achieved when the most fundamental nutritional needs of the human body are met. Always consult a medical doctor or other medical professionals when you consider it necessary.
Dr. Bob’s BLOG is covered under the Communications Decency Act (47 U.S.C. §230),: “No provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be treated as the publisher or speaker of any information provided by another information content provider”. This BLOG contains Copyrighted and Trademarked materials owned by The Watershed Wellness Center. Regarding the templates, pics, video clips, music or other media used in this BLOG. All material is copyrighted to their rightful owners.
We are told throughout our lives that disease comes from our family history, our genes and that they are inherited through our family line. This is complete nonsense. Although it appears to be this way disease does not run in our family line, all disease comes from our diet. This is why you can control disease and live disease-free if you choose. Since all disease comes from our diet, and the foods we put into our body on a regular basis then digestive health is the most important part of Health itself.
There’s a saying, you are what you eat, when the truth is you are what you can assimilate. If your digestive tract is not clear or the food cannot be absorbed through the small intestines through the microvilli because they are caked with material then you’re not going to be able to absorb nutrients. It is imperative that we had fermented foods, probiotics, the friendly bacteria and digestive enzymes to our diet on a regular basis if we expect to be healthy. You can take them together. If you consume excessive fat you need to take more lipase.
Dr. Bob’s Blog is not intended as medical advice. The writings and statements on this website have not reviewed and/or approved by the FDA. Our products are not meant to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Rather they are meant to demonstrate that aging can be slowed and even reversed and that Great Health achieved when the most fundamental nutritional needs of the human body are met. Always consult a medical doctor or other medical professionals when you consider it necessary.
Dr. Bob’s BLOG is covered under the Communications Decency Act (47 U.S.C. §230),: “No provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be treated as the publisher or speaker of any information provided by another information content provider”. This BLOG contains Copyrighted and Trademarked materials owned by The Watershed Wellness Center. Regarding the templates, pics, video clips, music or other media used in this BLOG. All material is copyrighted to their rightful owners.
The most difficult thing you must do if you wanted to defeat disease, including the worst disease, cancer is to change your diet. Changing your diet is definitely the most difficult thing you will do in your life. It was for me when I did it. It’s very easy to start eating raw food because they’re delicious. People eat fruit and salads all the time, but the problem is they also eat cooked Foods. They live on primarily a cooked food diet, sometimes a processed food, junk food diet. I used to live this way myself. My bones are made out of Coca-Cola in Oreo cookies. I have said this many times.
When I was 20 I began to eat more healthily. When I was 25 I became a vegetarian and by 45 hours a vegan. But nothing was more difficult and to stop eating cooked food and start eating raw fruits and vegetables exclusively. This is the only way to obtain great health, true health, the kind of Health most people just dream about.
Even if you were to transition to an 80% raw food diet you would see tremendous benefits. I usually fast in the morning and don’t eat anything till around noon. Then I have some fruit and spirulina and Chlorella. In the evening I have a salad with spirulina and chlorella. I have been living this way over 20 years and I have incredible health. Transitioning to a mostly raw food diet is something that is imperative if you want to clear your body of all disease, including cancer, the Emperor of all disease.
Email me and request my cancer protocol outline and I will be happy to send it to you: [email protected]
Dr. Bob’s Blog is not intended as medical advice. The writings and statements on this website have not reviewed and/or approved by the FDA. Our products are not meant to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Rather they are meant to demonstrate that aging can be slowed and even reversed and that Great Health achieved when the most fundamental nutritional needs of the human body are met. Always consult a medical doctor or other medical professionals when you consider it necessary.
Dr. Bob’s BLOG is covered under the Communications Decency Act (47 U.S.C. §230),: “No provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be treated as the publisher or speaker of any information provided by another information content provider”. This BLOG contains Copyrighted and Trademarked materials owned by The Watershed Wellness Center. Regarding the templates, pics, video clips, music or other media used in this BLOG. All material is copyrighted to their rightful owners.
Part one of my cancer protocol shows ways to disinfect the blood. The Next Step in my cancer protocol is disinfection of the digestive tract. This is best accomplished with liquid angstrom silver and liquid angstrom Bismuth and Dr. Bob’s parasite killer blend, which is a combination of 13 powders that kill bacteria, viruses, yeast, mold, fungus and parasites.
This is part of Dr. Bob’s Tabla rasa, clearing the digestive tract of all infectious agents. Once we have accomplished this now we’re ready to put in the friendly bacteria, acidophilus and Bifidus. My best probiotic is ProForment, which uses and acidophilus strain known as DE111. These spores current temperature stable at 200F.
A parasite is an organism that lives in or on another organism while benefiting by deriving its nutrients at the host’s expense. When we think of parasites, we conjure tapeworms and flatworms that live primarily within our digestive tract. However, bacteria, viruses, yeast, mold, fungus are also parasites that live within us and feed on our nutrients while creating an ideal environment for disease to thrive.
Their waste by-products are excreted into our bodies, polluting us yet further. In fact, toxins excreted by these infectious agents are often more dangerous than the parasitical organism that excretes it, E-coli being a prime example of this. Add to it the incredible amount of inert chemical toxins we are exposed to on a daily basis and the perfect environment for disease has been created within you.
As part of my cancer protocol, I developed an antimicrobial, antifungal and anti-parasitical formula meant to destroy virtually all life in your digestive tract.
Papaya seed powder (anti-parasitic)
Golden seal leaf powder (antibacterial/antifungal)
Black walnut hull powder (antibacterial/antifungal)
Take Dr. Bob’s Parasite Killer, then drink 3 liters of water over the next 2 – 4 hours before taking a probiotic and eating again.
Dr. Bob’s Blog is not intended as medical advice. The writings and statements on this website have not reviewed and/or approved by the FDA. Our products are not meant to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Rather they are meant to demonstrate that aging can be slowed and even reversed and that Great Health achieved when the most fundamental nutritional needs of the human body are met. Always consult a medical doctor or other medical professionals when you consider it necessary.
Dr. Bob’s BLOG is covered under the Communications Decency Act (47 U.S.C. §230),: “No provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be treated as the publisher or speaker of any information provided by another information content provider”. This BLOG contains Copyrighted and Trademarked materials owned by The Watershed Wellness Center. Regarding the templates, pics, video clips, music or other media used in this BLOG. All material is copyrighted to their rightful owners.
The Next Step in my cancer protocol it’s to move from a meat-based, animal-based diet to a plant-based diet. The question I get asked the most often is what do you do for your protein if you don’t have meat, fish, eggs and Dairy. Spirulina and chlorella are the two most powerful Foods in the world and are 60% protein. Taking 3 to 4 grams with every meal will give you all the protein you need for that meal. If you want to eat meat fish eggs or dairy it is strictly for the taste.
You will be moving 100% in the opposite direction from cancer when you start taking spirulina and Chlorella. Dairy products contain IGF, insulin-like growth factor, that encourages cancer to grow. This is why you should never consume dairy products if you have cancer. If you have cancer has your oncologist offered you that advice? They should, but sadly they do not because they do not understand that nutrition is critical to our health and that our diet is the ultimate source of all our disease. Moving to a plant-based diet is an absolute necessity if you have cancer.
Email me and request my cancer protocol outline and I will be happy to send it to you: [email protected]
Dr. Bob’s Blog is not intended as medical advice. The writings and statements on this website have not reviewed and/or approved by the FDA. Our products are not meant to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Rather they are meant to demonstrate that aging can be slowed and even reversed and that Great Health achieved when the most fundamental nutritional needs of the human body are met. Always consult a medical doctor or other medical professionals when you consider it necessary.
Dr. Bob’s BLOG is covered under the Communications Decency Act (47 U.S.C. §230),: “No provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be treated as the publisher or speaker of any information provided by another information content provider”. This BLOG contains Copyrighted and Trademarked materials owned by The Watershed Wellness Center. Regarding the templates, pics, video clips, music or other media used in this BLOG. All material is copyrighted to their rightful owners.
The Next Step in my cancer protocol is to detoxify the body of inert substances. A toxin is something that does not perform a function in the body. Therefore we should get this out of the body since toxins are what disease lives on. People will ask me from time to time if I ever go through a detox and I answer “yes, it’s called my life.” Everything I do in regards to my health is meant to get bad things out of my body therefore I am constantly detoxifying. The FDA has declared war on the word detox and detoxification since they do not understand this term.
Dr. Bob’s detox formula contains Chlorella, brown seaweed extract, shilajit, carbon powder, and fulvic acid. Each one of these detoxifies the body in a different way. Raw fruits and vegetables do not displace any toxins they may have into the body. However cooked Foods always displace their toxins into our tissue. This is why the digestive tract of most people who have cancer is full of unwanted substances, toxins. It is imperative that we get them out of the body since it creates an environment for disease, in particular cancer.
Dr. Bob’s Blog is not intended as medical advice. The writings and statements on this website have not reviewed and/or approved by the FDA. Our products are not meant to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Rather they are meant to demonstrate that aging can be slowed and even reversed and that Great Health achieved when the most fundamental nutritional needs of the human body are met. Always consult a medical doctor or other medical professionals when you consider it necessary.
Dr. Bob’s BLOG is covered under the Communications Decency Act (47 U.S.C. §230),: “No provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be treated as the publisher or speaker of any information provided by another information content provider”. This BLOG contains Copyrighted and Trademarked materials owned by The Watershed Wellness Center. Regarding the templates, pics, video clips, music or other media used in this BLOG. All material is copyrighted to their rightful owners.
High blood pressure, hypertension, is the most common health issue in the world. Hypertension leads to serious cardiovascular and other health issues if it is not addressed properly. A couple years ago I went to my doctor and head my blood work taken. My blood pressure was a little high that day so I immediately tried to put me on Prinivil, they high blood pressure medication.
I never took it and when I returned one year later they were surprised to find out that my blood pressure was normal and I had never taken the medication they prescribed to me. During that time I had done two things. I had developed a high blood pressure product with for herbal extracts yeah I can go and black pepper extract. It was able to lower my blood pressure around 10 to 20 points every time I took it.
However, After studying further I found that nattokinase also helps lower high blood pressure. As little as 100 grams a day can lower your blood pressure 10 to 20 points. Adding nattokinase has made a huge difference in the effectiveness of my product, pressure relief.
Dr. Bob’s Blog is not intended as medical advice. The writings and statements on this website have not reviewed and/or approved by the FDA. Our products are not meant to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Rather they are meant to demonstrate that aging can be slowed and even reversed and that Great Health achieved when the most fundamental nutritional needs of the human body are met. Always consult a medical doctor or other medical professionals when you consider it necessary.
Dr. Bob’s BLOG is covered under the Communications Decency Act (47 U.S.C. §230),: “No provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be treated as the publisher or speaker of any information provided by another information content provider”. This BLOG contains Copyrighted and Trademarked materials owned by The Watershed Wellness Center. Regarding the templates, pics, video clips, music or other media used in this BLOG. All material is copyrighted to their rightful owners.
The medical establishment does not understand the source of the disease that we really need to do about it. Nor did they understand how to build the immune system. We have over 30 trillion viruses in our body at any given time. We have 60 trillion bacteria in our bodies. We have 80 to 100 trillion human cells. We live in a sea of bacteria and viruses, yet we are never told to expose ourselves to these so we are immune.
Instead, we are told to get vaccinations, Ware Masks, stay inside, stay away from people, do not socially interact with people, Do Not Shake Hands, need to constantly use hand sanitizer. In short, the medical establishment does its best to keep us living in fear.
Dr. Bob’s Blog is not intended as medical advice. The writings and statements on this website have not reviewed and/or approved by the FDA. Our products are not meant to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Rather they are meant to demonstrate that aging can be slowed and even reversed and that Great Health achieved when the most fundamental nutritional needs of the human body are met. Always consult a medical doctor or other medical professional when you consider it necessary.
Dr. Bob’s BLOG is covered under Communications Decency Act (47 U.S.C. §230),: “No provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be treated as the publisher or speaker of any information provided by another information content provider”. This BLOG contains Copyrighted and Trademarked materials owned by The Watershed Wellness Center. Regarding the templates, pics, video clips, music or other media used in this BLOG. All material is copyrighted to their rightful owners.