Tag Archives: Alkalized Water

My Rebuttal to Dr. Mercola’s Assessment of Ionized Water

This is not the first time someone with gravitas in the natural health industry has made disparaging remarks concerning ionized water, dismissing it as a “fad”, “snake oil on tap” and/or simply as a “scam” that will eventually be exposed for the fraud it really is. Dr. Andrew Weil, who has in the past offered a lot of excellent natural health advice, dismisses Ionized Water and I wrote a rebuttal to his dismissive comments. I have also debunked the debunkers of ionized Water, none of whom I believe have ever tried it. These misguided health professionals have missed the most important health advance in the history of mankind. Worse, they have potentially kept scores of people from integrating ionized water into their lifestyle and making themselves healthier.
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Why Getting Your Drinking Water from a “Wild Spring” is a Hoax

I’ve been hearing and reading a lot about water from various individuals and I find myself in profound disagreement with some of them. Continue reading

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Who is behind the Water Ionizer “Comparison” websites?

Who is behind the Water Ionizer “Comparison” websites? A plethora of websites have sprung up on the internet that do nothing but compare water ionizers that are sold by various companies. They are professionally done and easy to navigate. But … Continue reading

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Seven Components of Great Health – No. 1: Water

By Dr. Bob McCauley Component 1: Start drinking ionized water consistently You need to hydrate your body because there is nothing more important regarding human health than a properly hydrated body, which translates into sufficiently hydrated cells throughout the body. If … Continue reading

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Bob McCauley’s Story of Great Health – pt 6 (Final)

This is how I got into natural health. I thought I was healthy before I started, but I was not even close to understanding how healthy we can all be. I am no one special. ANYONE can do what I … Continue reading

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Bob McCauley’s Story of Great Health – 2

I was a vegetarian for 18 years before I discovered Spirulina and Chlorella . I became a vegetarian while traveling through India in 1980 and always considered myself to be quite healthy. Becoming a cooked-food vegetarian is a small step … Continue reading

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Ionized Water

In order to be healthy we need only do three things: Alkalize, hydrate and detoxify the body. If we accomplish this, we can prevent and even cure the body of any disease. All we need to know is how to … Continue reading

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